Replacement of critical cooling system supporting two large 600m² Data Centres on a major telecommunication providers site in Berkshire, UK. The existing Chilled Water System had reached the end of its economic lifespan, after 20 years of service it was proving to be inefficient and unreliable with very high operational and maintenance costs.
With innovation at the heart of this project, UNG deployed their award-winning OREO initiative (a cooling transformation programme) to optimise expenditure and reduce operational and service and maintenance costs. The project is expected to save the client over £125k per annum with an ROI of 3.36 years.
The design utilised InfraNorth’s default OREO-2 programme, which replaces and digitally integrates assets. The existing downflow cooled, return air controlled indirect chilled water assets were replaced with an integrated fresh air, DX and digital control service, controlled by average rack inlet sensing with an increased room set point.
Key Components of the design included:
1. Digital Monitoring, Capacity Control and Performance Reporting
2. Variable Capacity
3. Utilising Fresh Air
4. Pushing Temperature Tolerances
High specification, fail-safe InfraNorth OREO Control Panels were installed to manage the room environments with interfaces to Vesda and Fire Alarm Panels. Complete with full power monitoring, the controls logic prioritises fresh air maintaining a minimum supply air temperature and stages DX cooling as required to maintain the target room condition. The panels are connected via ModBUS IP to a front-end dashboard to allow the client to remain in control of continuity, capacity and efficiency.
The turnkey project involved a full programme of works, including the replacement of three chillers with twenty air cooled condensers in same footprint on a live data centre over four phases of work, all of which were undertaken by InfraNorth’s skilled and competent installation team. Careful planning, testing and risk management from the design team alleviated all risks to business to ensure that there was no downtime.